The Drôme is a vast and wonderful land for lovers of history and especially châteaux.
The department can count approximately 600 châteaux, some in ruins others not. More than seventy of them are listed as Historic Monuments.
The three most well known are the Château of Grignan, the Château of Suze la Rousse and the Château of La Garde-Adhémar. They are all the property of the department of the Drôme.
Castle of Grignan: the most beautiful Renaissance castle of France Souther East, which became famous thanks to the Marquise de Sévigné. Nocturne summer festival, classical spring concerts, autumn jazz concerts.
Castle of Montélimar: Adhémar castle of 12th, 14th,16th century. One of the most important medieval architecture of the medium Rhône valley. Contemporary art center. Temporary exhibitions.
Castle of Suze la Rousse: built as the 12th century by the Princes of Orange, the Castle has a nice Renaissance court which is particularly nice and where can be found the University of wine.
Castle of Aulan: property of the famous family named Suarez d'Aulan, castle of the 12th century highly modified at the 19th century. Inside very nice furniture and numerous family memories.
Castle of Chamaret: the construction has been realised between the 12th and the 14th century. The primitive feodal fortress was composed by the « donjon » (tower) completed then by two living buildings nearly and old chapel. View all around the region.
Castle of Le Poët Laval: old convent Saint Jean de Jérusalem order built at the XIInd century.
Castle of Rochefort en Valdaine: 12th century castle, partly restored with a 14th century chapel open to the cult.